Cosmetic and facial acupuncture is the application of fine needles inserted into the skin of the face and neck for a natural anti-ageing treatment that aims to rejuvenate overall elasticity & complexion.​​
Laurie is trained in AcuRegen® Cosmetic Acupuncture. The AcuRegen® system combines Traditional Chinese Acupuncture with safe, gentle techniques using needles specifically designed for the face by Amanda Shayle, the founder of AcuRegen®.
The needles work to open up micro-channels where areas of sub-dermal scaffold (the tissue that supports the epidermis) has weakened and collapsed. This action induces the body’s natural healing mechanism which encourages the production of collagen and elastin. This rebuilds the tissue scaffold by adding to the collagen levels that already exists and effectively “pack” the epidermis out reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Improvement of circulation is part of this process also enhancing skin tone and texture.
What to expect during a treatment:
This pampering experience is comprised of an acupuncture treatment to work with the overall health and balance of the patient . Then, the face is cleaned, toned and gently massaged. This, followed by expert needling using the finest needles with a prescription created just for you. You then receive a cocktail of our beautiful cosmetics, peptide infusion treatment mask, and LED Light therapy. Your course of treatments may be punctuated by Clinicare by Acuregen medical microneedling, but will be discussed with Laurie during your initial consultation.
Each individual receives a tailor-made course of treatments focusing on your specific areas that you want to focus on for your treatment. A course of 6 to 8 treatments is recommended, followed by occasional maintenance.
Laurie is experienced and trusted by here patients so don’t hesitate to contact her for more information or to make a booking.
Feel free to reach out via phone on 07950 300 909, email or via the website. Alternatively bookings are welcome and can be made online via the button above.
Richmond Upon Thames serves as the base for Laurie Glenn Acupuncture. Laurie treats patients from across London and is within easy reach of Kew, Mortlake and East Sheen.