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Serum Bottles

nicola johnstone

Welcome! I'm Nicola and since a teenager, I have been interested in health, beauty and the human body. Leaving school at 17 to begin my working life as a beauty therapist, it was clear to me from that young age that the women I worked with all craved the same thing and that was to feel pampered, nurtured and to feel special, even if for just the short time that they were with me.


 I also worked in the healthcare field, initially as a hospital secretary and medical receptionist and I loved interacting with the patients who were often nervous, distraught and anxious. Listening to their concerns and worries about their health issues taught me that listening is so important, to be able to sympathise and show understanding and compassion for others comes naturally.

Always loving the world of beauty, women's style and health, I studied to be a Colour Analyst which had me working with clients across London.  Many of these women were in their mid life , menopausal and sadly felt 'invisible' and had totally lost confidence with their appearance. With no judgement, my advice and guidance helped many women to regain their self esteem by learning how to coordinate and wear their ultimate colours to enhance their appearance.

Nutrition is something, for years, that I have always been interested in. Dealing with my own menopause journey, especially after having endometriosis and a total hysterectomy 10 years ago, I was on a mission to deal with the hormone changes holistically and naturally. This took me down the path of diet and lifestyle, the biggest factors in helping you deal with peri and menopause. Educating myself here and there was great but I felt that I wanted more knowledge as to the 'why's' and 'why not's'.  Becoming a certified Nutrition Coach through the Food Matters Institute has allowed me to gain so much more knowledge so that I can now pass on and educate clients so they too can be empowered to lead healthier, more nourished lives.

My mission in life is to help others. I love offering holistic therapies to really help women tackle stress and hormone changes whilst at the same time provide natural complexion treatments and massage that feed and nourish the skin to minimize the signs of ageing and fatigue. 


These therapies include Natural Lift Rejuvenating Facial,  Usui Reiki Energy Healing, Colour Analysis and Nutrition Coaching. My business is fully insured and I am a member of the 'IARC & IICT' Food Matters Nutrition Certification.

Understanding that so many women are struggling right now be assured that you will be received with warmth, humility, love and be nurtured to the best of my ability.  

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